Testimony 3

Grade 10 / WA, USA

ADHD, Dyslexia, Depression

We had made the mistake of starting college prep too late with our  first child, so this time we started as soon as my student became 10th grade. It was her first time doing anything in preparation for college, so we wanted to make sure that it was a feel-good experience that she was completely on board with. My student has always been picky with her teachers, so it was also important that she had good chemistry with the teachers. 

We talked with a number of test prep services, and ultimately decided to work with [Lettuce Learn] because of their willingness to really work with us. We had a good understanding that this was going to be a marathon and, considering my student’s mental health, knew that it would take a lot of effort to get the support structure right. So, we really appreciated how hard the team worked with us like family on that matter. 

One thing that worked especially well with my student was how they set up weekly, monthly, and quarterly milestones for her to clear. We could visibly notice my student becoming increasingly motivated, as she started prioritizing studying to “keep the streak going,” as she would say. This was truly a surprise to us. By the end of the summer, they had a pretty good idea about what range she would likely end up scoring in, and, per Jay’s adamant recommendation, decided to go for ACT, rather than SAT. Another important thing that we decided on then was that it would be better for her to take the test without her medicine.

My student took her first and only ACT in February, and actually scored better than they had anticipated, getting a perfect 36 in Reading! Now with her test scores taken care of, we have been able to comfortably support her extracurriculars, as she now already has her eyes set on a particular university as her first choice.

Before: No Previous Prep

After: ACT 34 (Math 33 / Sci 32 / Eng 34 / Read 36)


Testimony 2